Source code for veoibd_synapse.interface

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Provide a representation of the interactions between a Synapse Project and other Synapse Entities."""

# Imports
from logzero import logger as log

import synapseclient as syn

import networkx as nx

from munch import Munch, munchify, unmunchify

import veoibd_synapse.errors as e

# Metadata
__author__ = "Gus Dunn"
__email__ = ""

# Business

[docs]class VEOProject(object): """Manage a collection of Synapse Entities common to a single project."""
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, annotations=None, synapse_client=None, config_tree=None, **kwargs): """Initialize an empty ProjectData object.""" = name self.syn = synapse_client self._get_project_entity() self.syn_id = self.project['id'] self._parent_id = self.project['parentId'] self.conf = self._process_config_tree(config_tree) self.annotations = self._process_annotations(annotations) self.remote = Munch(entity_dicts=None, dag=None) self.dag = None self._build_remote_entity_dag()
def _initialize_project_info(self, ): pass
[docs] def _process_config_tree(self, config_tree): """Process configuration values.""" if config_tree is None: return Munch() else: if isinstance(config_tree, Munch): return config_tree else: return munchify(config_tree)
[docs] def _process_annotations(self, annotations): """Process annotation values.""" if annotations is None: return Munch() else: if isinstance(annotations, Munch): return annotations else: return munchify(annotations)
[docs] def _get_remote_entity_dicts(self): """Query Synapse for all entity information related to this Project ID.""" pid = self.project['id'][3:] q = 'SELECT * FROM entity WHERE projectId=="{pid}"'.format(pid=pid) self.remote.entity_dicts = self.syn.query(q)['results']
[docs] def _build_remote_entity_dag(self): """Build a DAG of the remote project structure.""" self._get_remote_entity_dicts() dag = nx.DiGraph() dag.node = munchify(dag.node) nodes = {ent['']: SynNode(entity_dict=ent, synapse_session=self.syn) for ent in self.remote.entity_dicts} for node in nodes.values(): try: dag.add_node(, attr_dict=node) dag.add_edge(u=nodes[node['parentId']].id, except KeyError as exc: if exc.args[0] == self._parent_id: parent = SynNode(entity_dict={'': self._parent_id}, is_root=True) dag.add_node(, attr_dict=node) dag.add_node(, attr_dict=parent) dag.add_edge(, # for n in dag.node.keys(): # dag.node[n] = Munch(dag.node[n]) if nx.dag.is_directed_acyclic_graph(dag): self.dag = dag else: raise e.ValidationError('networkx.dag.is_directed_acyclic_graph() returned `False` suggesting a cyclic relationship between entities.')
[docs] def _get_project_entity(self): """Set self.project after retrieving the synapse object by name, create the Project if it does not exist.""" try: self.project = self.syn.get(syn.Project( except TypeError: self.project =