Source code for veoibd_synapse.misc

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Provide misc common functions to the rest of the CLI."""

# Imports
from logzero import logger as log

import textwrap
from collections import OrderedDict

from pathlib import Path
import hashlib
import gzip

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from munch import Munch, munchify, unmunchify
import ruamel.yaml as yaml

# Metadata
__author__ = "Gus Dunn"
__email__ = ""

# Functions
[docs]def load_csv(csv, **kwargs): csv = str(csv) try: return pd.read_csv(, **kwargs) except (, OSError): return pd.read_csv(csv, **kwargs) except msg = "File was empty: {f}.".format(f="/".join(Path(csv).parts[-2:])) log.error(msg) raise
[docs]def update_configs(directory, to_update=None): """Collect, combine, and return all \*.yaml files in `directory`.""" confs = Path(directory).glob('*.yaml') confs = {p.stem.upper(): p for p in confs} if to_update is None: to_update = Munch() for name, conf in confs.items(): c = process_config(config=conf) to_update.update(Munch({name: c})) return to_update
[docs]def process_config(config=None): """Prepare single config file.""" if config is None: return Munch() else: if isinstance(config, str): config = Path(config) return munchify(yaml.safe_load(
[docs]def chunk_md5(path, size=1024000): """Calculate and return the md5-hexdigest of a file in chunks of `size`.""" p = Path(path) md5 = hashlib.md5() with'rb') as f: while 1: data = if not data: break md5.update(data) return md5.hexdigest()
[docs]def nan_to_str(x, replacement=None): """Return empty string if pd.isnull(x): ``replacement`` otherwise. Args: x (unknown): object to inspect replacement (None|str): string to use as replacement (default: "") """ if replacement is None: replacement = "" if pd.isnull(x): return replacement else: return x