A few of the Makefile Commands

The Makefile contains the central entry points for common tasks related to this project.

  • make github_remote launches a script to create and syncronize a remote github repository for this project.
  • make environment uses the project’s requirements.txt file to create and provision a conda environment for this project. Then it registers the conda environment with your local jupyter set up as an ipython kernel with the same name as the conda environment.
  • make clean_env undoes everything that make environment sets up.
  • make serve_nb starts a jupyter notebook with this project’s notebooks directory as the root.
  • make clean_bytecode removes all __pycache__ directories and leftover *.pyc files from the project.

For the full list: `bash > make help `

Syncing data to S3

  • make sync_data_to_s3 will use s3cmd to recursively sync files in data/ up to s3://[OPTIONAL] your-bucket-for-syncing-data (do not include ‘s3://’)/data/.
  • make sync_data_from_s3 will use s3cmd to recursively sync files from s3://[OPTIONAL] your-bucket-for-syncing-data (do not include ‘s3://’)/data/ to data/.