
Setup Your Site’s Information

  1. Coming Soon.

Register New Data

  1. This demo assumes that you have already gone through the demo: Setup Your Site’s Information

  2. Generate a new “push” configuration file. Here we will give it the “demo” identifier. The command and its output are shown below.

    $ veoibd_synapse configs --generate-configs --kind push --prefix demo
    [I 170824 12:15:18 main:41] Setup logging configurations.
    [D 170824 12:15:18 main:118] kind = ('push',)
    [I 170824 12:15:18 config:32] Generated new config: configs/demo.push.yaml

    This gives you a blank config file to describe the data that you want to add to the system including:

    1. the project name
    2. annotation keywords to help filter the files on Synapse
    3. the location of the files you want to add to Synapse
    4. the location in Synapse where you want the files listed.
  3. Amend the values in configs/demo.push.yaml to reflect the data files that you will add.

  4. I have already created and configured a user named “GUSDUNN” (see how to do this here).

  5. An example command to register the data described in demo.push.yaml with Synapse is shown below.

    $ veoibd_synapse push -user GUSDUNN --push-config configs/demo.push.yaml

Sync Local Metadata Database

  1. Coming Soon.

Query Metadata Database

  1. Sync Local Metadata Database

Download Data Files

  1. Coming Soon.