veoibd_synapse package


veoibd_synapse.dag_tools module

Provide functions for working with our DAGs.

class veoibd_synapse.dag_tools.ProjectDAG(project_id, synapse_session)[source]

Bases: networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph

Class to generate and manage our project structure.

__init__(project_id, synapse_session)[source]

Set up instance.

check_children(node_id, func)[source]

Return list of child-ids where func returns True.

follow_path_to_folder(path, origin=None, create=False)[source]

Return terminal folder’s synID after traversing the defined path.

class veoibd_synapse.dag_tools.SynNode(entity_dict, synapse_session=None, is_root=False)[source]

Bases: munch.Munch

Provide methods and attributes to model an entity node in a DAG of Synapse Entities.


Return True if equal.


Return hash value.

__init__(entity_dict, synapse_session=None, is_root=False)[source]

Initialize an entity node object.


Return True if NOT equal.


Override this.


If self.needs_update is True, run and reset needs_update.

veoibd_synapse.dag_tools.is_folder_named_x(child, name)[source]

Return True if child is a folder named name.

veoibd_synapse.errors module

Provide error classes for veoibd-synapse-data-manager.

exception veoibd_synapse.errors.NoResult[source]

Bases: veoibd_synapse.errors.VEOIBDSynapseError

Raise when an iteration has nothing to return, but normally would.

exception veoibd_synapse.errors.NotImplementedYet(msg=None)[source]

Bases: NotImplementedError, veoibd_synapse.errors.VEOIBDSynapseError

Raise when a section of code that has been left for another time is asked to execute.


Set up the Exception.

exception veoibd_synapse.errors.VEOIBDSynapseError[source]

Bases: Exception

Base error class for veoibd-synapse-data-manager.

exception veoibd_synapse.errors.ValidationError[source]

Bases: veoibd_synapse.errors.VEOIBDSynapseError

Raise when a validation/sanity check comes back with unexpected value.

veoibd_synapse.interface module

Provide a representation of the interactions between a Synapse Project and other Synapse Entities.

class veoibd_synapse.interface.VEOProject(name=None, annotations=None, synapse_client=None, config_tree=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Manage a collection of Synapse Entities common to a single project.

__init__(name=None, annotations=None, synapse_client=None, config_tree=None, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize an empty ProjectData object.


Build a DAG of the remote project structure.


Set self.project after retrieving the synapse object by name, create the Project if it does not exist.


Query Synapse for all entity information related to this Project ID.


Process annotation values.


Process configuration values.

veoibd_synapse.misc module

Provide misc common functions to the rest of the CLI.

veoibd_synapse.misc.chunk_md5(path, size=1024000)[source]

Calculate and return the md5-hexdigest of a file in chunks of size.

veoibd_synapse.misc.load_csv(csv, **kwargs)[source]
veoibd_synapse.misc.nan_to_str(x, replacement=None)[source]

Return empty string if pd.isnull(x): replacement otherwise.

  • x (unknown) – object to inspect
  • replacement (None|str) – string to use as replacement (default: “”)

Prepare single config file.

veoibd_synapse.misc.update_configs(directory, to_update=None)[source]

Collect, combine, and return all *.yaml files in directory.

Module contents

Top-level package for veoibd_synapse.